Why God

Why God

Question Mark Emoji

This question has been asked for ages by people of all ages. Sometimes things happen in life and we just can’t find the right answer to make us feel better. Truth is we are searching and seeking for an answer to settle our hearts and somehow nothing seems to fit. 

Deep down we know, no answer of ‘why’ is going to change our situation or settle our heart.

I won’t pretend that really hard stuff doesn’t happen in life. I won’t pretend that life is always easy.

There are a few things I have learned along the way. 

Human nature is always looking for someone to blame, whether it be self or others.

Confused brain clipartThere is a constant battle going on in our minds of “did I do enough” “if I would have just done _____ things would be different” “if they didn’t hurt me, wrong me, accuse me, I wouldn’t be in this situation” There is a pointing finger and it must find a target.

Guilt and condemnation will ultimately lead you down a path of constant defeat where you never find freedom.

This is something we can place on ourselves, others, or it can be placed on us by others if we allow it.  

“If I had just………if you had just……….” 

We relive the past only to find it showing up in our present with no hope for the future, and we don’t know how to get free from this cycle. All the emotions follow, sadness, frustration, resentment, anger and many times we take our hurt out on the ones closest to us. 

Truth is we are not perfect and neither is our neighbor, friends, or enemies for that matter. Things happen that are out of our control or in our control but how do we handle the aftermath of said situation.

Maybe your loved one was in an accident that wasn’t their fault and it has been a struggle to move forward. Maybe you were the driver in that same accident that hurt another’s loved one. 

We want someone to pay or we want to go back in time to silence all the thoughts in our mind of

What If…..

We cry out to God, Why?! We blame God, Why would you allow this?! 

When all along God is the one who took the blame. Jesus took the blame for all of our mistakes, accidents, short comings, evil, he took all of the guilt and condemnation on our behalf. To be straight forward, He took our judgement. The judgement we deserve. The judgement our neighbor, friends and enemies deserve. 

His crown of thorns paid for those oppressive thoughts and mind games that constantly try to question your worth, your right standing with your Father. His body was whipped, bruised and tortured for your healing, for your forgiveness. His blood was shed for you, for me, for all of us. 

Forgive yourself and forgive the other person for your own sake. 

When life happens and guilt and condemnation try to sneak in I remember what my savior has done for me. 

Are you familiar with the term double jeopardy? 

Double jeopardy: the subjecting of a person to a second trial or punishment for the same offense for which the person has already been tried or punished.

Double jeopardy means I cannot, you cannot be tried again for the same charges that Christ already paid for on your behalf. And he paid for ALL charges. 🙌🏽

The other side of this is simply realizing I don’t have all the answers and I don’t have to understand everything that happens in this life to choose to trust my Father. 

Romans 8:28       Berean Study Bible

And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.

It doesn’t say all things ARE good. I want to make that clear. It does however say He will work ALL things for our good. 

Even if I cannot fathom how a situation can work for my good it doesn’t matter, because His word says He will work it. I trust Him in that and it brings me peace. I trust that He is good. 

Much Love, 


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