Success In 2023

Success In 2023

New year New me. January has a way of igniting a spark in us to start something new, and this familiar phrase is one that we have all heard or used around this time every year.

Creating goals, diet plans and workout routines are usually high on most peoples list of things to accomplish throughout the year.

While these things are all good and we have the best intentions, how many of us actually follow through with all the stipulations we place on ourselves?

If goals and a set of projections for your year works for you that’s great! You do you. For me, I hate how January puts so much pressure on a person. I’m not a huge goal setter in the traditional sense, it’s just not my way.

It seems like the hype of January often times sets people up for failure.

The starting line has been drawn, the gun has been shot, now everyone run!

We put to much expectation on ourselves without allowing room for rest or a reset in between.

Now don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of things on my heart that I want to accomplish, I just allow myself the freedom to succeed in due time, without all the pressure.

I love the idea around a single word or phrase for the year because it engages the mind.

Mind sets are huge and many times before we can succeed in something new it requires a change of mind.

Earlier this month I came across an ad for an exercise class based upon dancing. I loved the energy the woman was projecting in her ad as she expressed herself through dance. Her philosophy was that dance is freeing to the soul and we all have our own way.

As I watched I could indeed tell that she truly was dancing from her soul and she had such a freedom about it. She didn’t care about the opinions of man, she was simply free in her steps. She said something that really stood out to me

“Give yourself permission to dance”

I thought, wow that’s powerful! Many of us don’t dance because we are afraid of mans opinions. We do not give ourselves permission to get up and dance.

As I meditated on that phrase “give yourself permission” I began it wonder, how many other areas of our lives are we not living up to our full potential? We have placed to many rules and stipulations on how we are supposed to live. Per what society tells us. Per what we tell ourselves… self talk.. mind sets..

This year I plan to give myself permission. Permission to be free. I know what this means for me, but I’m sure it will hold a different meaning for you and your life circumstances.

Are you afraid to step out because you dread the rug being ripped out from under you? Take the step.

Be bold enough to push the boundaries, go out of the norm and step out of the box.

Don’t set yourself up for failure, but rather give yourself permission to fail so you have the ability to succeed.

We are all unique and have a beautiful life in front of us. I pray we step into what God has for us this year in a mighty way.

Much love,


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